Michel Lesjak Personaltraining ist ein exklusiver Fitness-, Ernährungs- und Athletik-Service.

Michel Lesjak Personaltraining

I offer you an exclusive and premium service focusing on fitness, nutrition, and athletic performance. We utilize your valuable time optimally to achieve the highest possible training success at your preferred location. I provide holistic support until you reach your personal goal, regardless of whether you are already fit or have never trained before. My unique combination of a precise nutrition program and the most advanced training methods will surely lead you to success.

Sportliche Frau die mit Michel Lesjak trainiert.

Exclusive and first-class service in fitness, nutrition, and athletic performance

My goal is to make you successful

Personal. Individual. Healthy.


Personal training is your tailored journey to fitness and well-being. It’s not about generic plans, but about understanding your goals, needs, and abilities. With individualized guidance, each workout becomes a unique step towards your personal success. Let’s work together to craft the path to your best self!

Nutritional counseling

I’m happy to serve as your comprehensive nutrition consultant and accompany you on your journey, including nutrition tracking and utilizing my app to assist you with any questions regarding nutrition.


Individual training programs not only promote physical fitness but also take into account your health goals and needs. Through targeted training, we improve endurance, strength, and flexibility while I motivate and support you. This holistic approach promotes not only physical but also mental well-being and contributes to long-term improved health.

Analyze, optimize, and achieve success.


Lovefood Logo, Analysieren, Optimieren und Erfolge erzielen durch optimierte Ernährung
Durch eine Optimierung der Ernährung kommen die kleinen fortschritte ganz von selbst

Discover now your customized companion app – your personal coach for constant support.

  • Personalized training: Tailored plans for your goals.
  • Train flexibly anywhere: Fitness on your schedule, anywhere.
  • Continuous motivation: App-based support and progress tracking.
Desktopversion der maßgeschneiderten Coaching Seite.
Individuelle Begleiter-App für stetigen Erfolg. Jederzeit und überall im Einsatz

During training, I push myself and go beyond my limits. Together, we explore your challenges and overcome them. Your success is my greatest driving force.

For me, your success is the greatest motivation.

Mit dem Training an seine Grenzen gehen und maximalen Erfolg erzielen.